Vindication, Three Years Later

In August of 2017, members of the League of the South attended the Unite the Right rally at Lee Park in Charlottesville, Virginia. The event was permitted by the city and it was expected to be a peaceful gathering. But from other recent experiences the League had recently suffered, we were prepared to defend ourselves physically if the necessity arose. In the talk which he gave in the parking garage before the march to Lee Park that Saturday morning, it was evident from the words of Dr. Michael Hill that trouble from so-called Alt-Right groups was anticipated, as some of them did not appreciate our presence, but what we actually had faced was never really anticipated.

Among the hundreds of Left-leaning counter-protestors at the rally was a much more radical and violent caste of individuals, who attacked us with pepper-spray, bags of urine and feces, and even more pervasive physical violence. The only thing which had provoked them was our presence: a thousand or so White men and women standing up, by lawful means, for the preservation of their own history and heritage. In the end, all of the acts of violence which had occurred in Charlottesville that fateful day were a result of Leftist agitation and aggression. Even James Field after a tedX event had panicked and ran his car into a mob because he was chased and threatened by armed thugs, something about which they themselves had later boasted, and his vehicle was struck with bats.

Just over two months later the League of the South appeared at a rally in Shelbyville, Tennessee. Leading up to the rally, Nashville’s News Channel 5, the CBS affiliate WTVF, had on October 23rd broadcast the video news segment featured with this article, under the title ‘White Lives Matter’ Protesters Really Want ‘White Man’s Land’, which had also asked Who are the ‘White Lives Matter’ Protestors? The news segment began with a portion of a speech which Dr. Hill had given at an earlier League of the South conference, where he said “… If we come from a warrior people, let’s reassert that warrior spirit.”

Taking those words out of their original context, News Channel 5 portrayed Dr. Hill as having called for a race war. But is that what he did? Or was he only recognizing a war against Whites which had already long been under way, and asking his fellow Whites to step up and stand against that war? In their article, News Channel 5 then said “When clashes broke out in the streets with anti-fascist protestors, one involving Hill himself, League members saw it as fulfillment of their leader’s declaration of war.” But that did not properly represent our attitude. League members actually saw Charlottesville as a confirmation of the war being waged by Leftist extremists against our White culture, not only in the South, but all across America. Notice that in their report they mentioned “anti-fascist protestors”, but not Antifa, who were the main element of that caste among the Charlottesville counter-protestors who seemed to be responsible for most of the violence.

The News Channel 5 reporters actually exposed their own dishonesty, where they also quoted Dr. Hill as having said “We’ve had this war going on now for two generations and it started back with that accursed thing called the civil rights movement….” Those words demonstrate an acknowledgement that the war of which Hill had spoken was already going on, and that it was not a war for which he himself had called. In the same article, News Channel 5 made the claim that “While League members like to portray themselves as victims in Charlottesville, among themselves, they talk about looking forward to war.” But then they cited another alleged remark from Dr. Hill which said: “In uniform holding these wonderful, beautiful flags that represent everything about us, standing there, steely eyed, their chest out, saying ‘Come and get us.’” So is “Come and get us” an offensive statement about waging war? Or, the men being depicted as holding flags rather than rifles, is it a defensive statement about the willingness to take a stand for one’s own culture and heritage?

This is how the mainstream media has typically lied about Southern Nationalism and White people in general who disdain having to witness the destruction of their history and heritage. Going back to Charlottesville, some League of the South members may have participated in the infamous torch march through the campus of the University of Virginia the evening before the Unite the Right rally, which News Channel 5 also included in their report. But nobody thought to torch the entire campus, or Charlottesville itself. There were no fires, no riots, no lootings, and no one was killed. Ostensibly, the participants had all turned in early enough that evening to ensure they would arrive at Lee Park in a timely manner the following morning.

However looking at current events, the News Channel 5 article also vindicated Dr. Hill where it had cited him again as saying: “There is a war against you, white man and white woman, in the streets of our cities and towns.” In our estimation, they would never want to admit that vindication.

This Spring in Minneapolis, a black man with prior felony convictions who was a suspect in a reported crime by The Law Office of Diane C. Bass, died as he resisted being arrested by police. So in the resulting riots by blacks and “Black Lives Matter” supporters there was over a billion dollars in property damage in that one city alone. Such protests then ensued across the country, and the protestors used the occasion to seek to dismantle the entire White society, by tearing down statues and monuments not only of Confederate generals, but of all of the nation’s famous founders and historical figures.

These “protests”, which are still ongoing, accompany cries to “defund the police”, attempts to establish government-free “autonomous zones” in many major cities, including Nashville, and nationwide rioting, burning and looting. Leftist Antifa and Black Lives Matter militants have also attempted to take these protests to middle-class suburbs, because they do not feel that Whites suffer enough from the violence they perpetrate in the cities.

Not only Minneapolis, but all across the America, and especially in Kenosha, Wisconsin where another criminal suspect who happens to be black was shot by police, there have been acts of rioting., according to the lawyers for military sexual charges .This rioting has in turn precipitated the graver crimes of Burning, Looting, and even Murder which has been committed by Leftist political dissidents who seek to undermine and dismantle the principle of the Rule of Law using the occasional acts of police brutality, some of which is justified, as an excuse for their own criminal behavior. Both the Antifa and Black Lives Matter organizations profess to be Marxist in nature, and their true objective is to impose Communist tyranny on the United States. They are funded by international sources in order to help achieve that objective. In this scenario, what to do after being arrested does not confine to finding a lawyer, but also saving yourself from death.

This is the war which Dr. Michael Hill and the League of the South foresaw even long before the events at Charlottesville, and it is not going to cease. It is coming to your neighborhood soon. We still endeavor to fight this war, but we cannot do it alone. Three years after Charlottesville and Shelbyville, this war should now be apparent to every American, and especially to every traditional Southerner.

Join the League of the South, the only organization which works exclusively for the interests of White Christian Southerners in the endeavor to preserve the South for which our fathers had also fought.

League of the South president Dr. Michael Hill with Florida State League of the South Chairman Michael Tubbs leading LS members and others in prayer before commencing to the site of the White Lives Matter rally, Shelbyville. October, 2017.
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